ROME GAY BAR ATTACKED: An attack on a gay bar in Rome is said to signal an escalation of violence against the LGBT community in the city.
L WORD REALITY SHOW GETS GREEN LIGHT: A reality version of the popular lesbian drama series, The L Word, has been given the go-ahead to start casting.
DEMAND FOR GAY GENIUS APOLOGY GROWS: A campaign to force Britain to apologise for its homophobic persecution of the late gay computer genius Alan Turing is growing.
OUT RE-OPENS HEALTH CENTRE: OUT-LGBT Well-being has re-opened its office and its PRISM Lifestyle Centre at a new address in Pretoria.
COMPANY LAUNCHES GAY MARRIAGE ICE-CREAM: A US ice-cream maker has renamed a popular flavour in its range to celebrate the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Vermont.
BOXER SUSPENDED FOR GAY MAG SHOOT: An Olympic Thai boxer has been suspended for three months after he appeared in a photo shoot for a gay magazine.
BOOK ON TRADITIONAL CIRCUMCISION CAUSES STIR: A new book has broken the silence over what really goes on during traditional male circumcisions in South Africa.
HEAT’S MAN WATCH WINNER ANNOUNCED: South Africa's Heat celebrity gossip magazine has announced the winner of its much hyped Man Watch competition.
THREE FIRED OVER GAY BAR RAID: Three employees of the Texas’ liquor board who were involved in the controversial June 28 raid on a gay bar in Texas have been fired.
WHOOPI SENDS MESSAGE TO BUDAPEST PRIDE: Whoopi Goldberg has recorded a video message expressing her support for this week's Budapest Pride Festival.
SA SUPPORTS BUDAPEST PRIDE: Thirteen countries’ embassies, including South Africa's, have expressed their support for Budapest Gay Pride, which takes place this coming weekend.
ANTI-GAY SINGER’S CONCERTS CANCELLED: Promoters have cancelled concerts by homophobic reggae artist Buju Banton following pressure from gay rights groups.
URUGUAY SET TO LEGALISE GAY ADOPTION: It's been reported that a bill to legalise gay adoption has been passed by Uruguay’s House of Representatives.
WRESTLING BOSS USES GAY SLUR ON TV: The head of World Wrestling Entertainment has been slammed for using the word “gay” in a derogatory manner on television.
MADONNA BOOED FOR SUPPORTING GYPSIES AND GAYS: Madonna has been booed by a concert audience in Romania after she called for an end to discrimination against gypsies and gays in the region.
COURT RULES EX-GAYS HAVE LEGAL STATUS: A US court has ruled that “former” homosexuals, or “ex-gays”, must be recognised under sexual orientation non-discrimination laws.
MOSCOW LESBIANS KISS IN PROTEST: A lesbian couple have kissed in protest outside a Moscow court after arriving late for a hearing on a legal bid to marry.
DA TO SUPPORT JOBURG PRIDE: The Democratic Alliance has shown its support for the LGBT community by booking a stall at this year’s Joburg Pride Day on October 3rd.
GOSSIP GIRL GAY KISS FLUSTER: The entertainment media is abuzz over an episode of Gossip Girl that will feature a gay kiss between actors Ed Westwick and Neal Bledsoe.
LGBT TRIBUTES POUR IN FOR KENNEDY: US Senator Edward Kennedy, who passed away on Tuesday night, has been lauded for his commitment to LGBT equality.