GORDON BROWN HONOURS GAY NAZI VICTIMS: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has included gays and lesbians in his statement to honour the victims of the Nazi holocaust.
TOM HANKS APOLOGISES FOR MORMON SLUR: Hollywood actor Tom Hanks has apologised for calling Mormons 'un-American' for their support of a ban on same-sex marriage.
BAHRAIN BLOCKS GAY SITES: The government of Bahrain has blocked gay social networking sites from being viewed in that country.
HARRY POTTER ADMITS TO BEING ‘FAG HAG’: Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has said that he has grown up with gay men and finds gay crushes on him flattering.
FRENCH MINISTER COMES OUT CLOSET: A French government minister has revealed that he is gay ahead of the publication of his autobiography.
US PASTOR FACES MORE GAY CLAIMS: Disgraced homophobic US pastor Ted Haggard has been accused of having another gay affair, this time with a church volunteer.
CALL FOR NIGERIA TO REJECT GAY MARRIAGE BAN: A bill before Nigeria's National Assembly would expand Nigeria's already draconian punishments for homosexual conduct says Human Rights Watch.
GAY ARRESTS IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES: A number of men have been arrested for being gay in Egypt, Morocco and Bahrain.
TURKISH LGBT GROUP WINS COURT CASE: A Turkish lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender group has won its appeal against the state’s closure of the association.
CRITICS SWOON OVER GAY PRISON ROMANCE: A new film, starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor as gay lovers, is making an impact at the Sundance Film Festival.
MILKS GETS 8 OSCAR NOMS: Milk, the film about gay politician Harvey Milk, has received eight Academy Award nominations.
SWEDEN NEXT TO ALLOW GAY WEDDINGS: Sweden's Prime Minister has said that legislation that will legalise same-sex marriage in that country is on track to become law.
GLOBAL LGBT YOUTH NETWORK LAUNCHED: Two international LGBTI organisations have launched the LGBT Youth World List - the first international network of its kind.
APPEAL TO SUPPORT MR GAY KZN: Pietermaritzburg's Gay & Lesbian Network has appealed for donations to enable Mr Gay KZN to attend the Mr Gay World pageant.
GAY MAYOR SCANDAL: After years of lying the gay mayor of Portland has admitted to having slept with an 18-year-old intern.
OBAMA SPELLS OUT LGBT AGENDA: The White House website has been updated with newly-inaugurated US President Barack Obama's agenda on LGBT rights.
ANGER OVER GAY BISHOP SNUB: It's unclear who's to blame for cutting the prayer by gay Bishop Gene Robinson from the TV broadcast of the Barack Obama inaugural concert.
L WORD SPINOFF COMPLETED: It's been announced that the pilot episode for a spinoff of the popular lesbian TV drama The L Word has been completed.
LGBT STUDENTS OF COLOUR FACE CHALLENGES: LGBT students of colour in the US face unique challenges regarding victimisation at school says a new report.
GAY MOMENTS AT OBAMA CONCERT: In a historic first, an openly gay Bishop and a gay men's choir took part in the first of Barack Obama's inauguration events.