Author Archive

VATICAN BLOCKS GAY KISS EXHIBIT: Legal threats by the Vatican have led to the censoring of photographs of same-sex couples kissing in churches at an exhibition
HOLLYWOOD VS GAY ACTORS: A new report has found that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) actors continue to face discrimination in the US. Despite the
OUT IN AFRICA 2013 PT 2: Overcoming serious funding issues, Out in Africa is back! The 20th OIA Gay & Lesbian Film Festival’s final edition for 2013
GAYS WORSE THAN NATURAL DISASTERS: The notoriously homophobic president of Gambia launched a scathing attack against gay and lesbian people on Friday. Speaking
WHY WAS SA NOT AT UN GAY MEETING?: An unprecedented meeting of government ministers on September 26 called for urgent action to end the scourge of violence
RIVAL PASTAS ARE GAY FRIENDLY: Two pasta companies have come out in support of the gay community in response to rival brand Barilla’s recent homophobic
CRISTIANO’S NEW UNDERWEAR LABEL: Portuguese football stud Cristiano Ronaldo is planning to give David Beckham a run for his money. Ronaldo has released
ANGER AS BELGRADE PRIDE BANNED: The Serbian authorities have been slammed for banning a planned Belgrade Pride March for the third year in a row. The event was
2013 MCQP THEME REVEALED: The theme for this year’s Mother City Queer Project (MCQP) party was revealed in Cape Town on Friday night. Round up your entourage,
SANDF REJECTED GAY TROOPS: A colonel in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has been accused of ending the military careers of recruits because they