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PRETORIA HAS PRIDE TOO: Pretoria, often associated with conservative Afrikaans culture, displayed its rainbow colours this Saturday with its first-ever gay
PEOPLE’S PRIDE TAKES TO HILLBROW: Saturday saw hundreds of LGBT people making a powerful statement as they boldly took to Johannesburg’s streets
GAY APARTHEID IN CAMEROON: There are reports that public venues in Cameroon are beginning to ban gay people. According to IPS Television, at least one venue in
PRIDE’S KAYE ALLY RESPONDS: Kaye Ally, the woman heading up the team behind this year’s Johannesburg Pride, has responded to claims that the event was controversially
THE MR GSA 2014 FINALISTS: Here’s your chance to help choose Mr Gay South Africa 2014! Your votes will count towards 10% of each finalist’s score
RYAN PHILLIPPE’S GAY KISS: A deleted kiss between actors Ryan Phillippe and Breckin Meyer from the film 54 has been posted online for the first time. The scene
TASK TEAM MUST ACT NOW: A human rights group says that violence against LGBT people in South Africa is increasing and that the South African government must urgently
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR PUTIN?: President Vladimir Putin, who has backed the oppression of LGBT people in Russia, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
CHRIS BROWN BACKS AFRICAN GAYS: Controversial rapper and singer Chris Brown has shown his love for gay Africans on Twitter. On Tuesday, the 24-year-old star
PRIDE DANCE GROUP MOB ATTACK: A group of LGBT dancers became victims of a frightening homophobic mob attack in Johannesburg following their stage performance