Author Archive

GAMBIA’S PRESIDENT URGED TO REJECT HARSH ANTI-GAY LAW: Human rights groups have urged President Jammeh of Gambia to not sign a new bill that
NICK JONAS FLAUNTS HIS PECS & ABS AT GAY CLUB: Nick Jonas surprised revellers at a New York City gay club by showing off his buff chest and six-pack
GAY FETISH STAMPS TO TEST RUSSIA’S GAY-BAN LAW: Packages plastered with the cheeky new Tom of Finland stamps have been posted to Russia to see
1ST MPUMALANGA GAY PRIDE A SUCCESS: The province of Mpumalanga made history when it hosted its first LGBTI Pride march and celebration in the provincial capital
SOUTHERN AFRICAN LGBTI YOUTH MEET & LEARN IN JOBURG: Twelve young LGBTI people from across Southern Africa are taking part in a Queer Youth Exchange
HATE CHURCH PICKETS GOD LOVES GAYS BILLBOARD: A billboard giving the middle finger to America’s notorious gay-hate Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has
MEN HELD OVER GAY WEDDING VIDEO MUST BE FREED: Human Rights Watch has called on the Egyptian authorities to immediately release seven men arrested for
US PASTOR: GAYS MUST BE CELIBATE OR BE KILLED: An American pastor has told his congregation that gay people must remain celibate or they should be put
WATCH: CHANNING TATUM INTRODUCES ‘THE DICK GRAZE’: Magic Mike hunk Channing Tatum has introduced an innovative new form of man-to-man
TOM OF FINLAND STAMPS A GLOBAL HIT: A set of stamps celebrating the iconic gay fetish artist Tom of Finland have been dubbed “the most talked-about