Gerald Pereira

Gerald Pereira, a few days after the attack.

The Rosebank Police Station says that if the officers alleged to have ignored Sunday’s gay bashing in Johannesburg are found guilty, they will be disciplined.

On Wednesday, Mambaonline reported that Gerald Pereira was punched in the face by a man after defending his boyfriend from gay slurs outside of a cross-dressing themed party in Rosebank.

Shockingly, when a bloody Pereira ran to a nearby police car for help, the three officers inside are alleged to have simply chatted to the alleged attacker and his friends for a few seconds before driving away, without taking any action.

Pereira has since laid assault charges at the station and lodged a formal complaint about the officers’ behaviour.

Rosebank police spokesperson Sergeant Bongi Mdletshe told Look Local that the station commander had met with staff to discuss the incident and allegations.

“I can confirm a case of assault was opened, and our detectives hope to make an arrest soon. An internal investigation into the officers will also be undertaken. If it is found they did not perform their duties, they will be charged,” he said.

Pereira told Mambaonline: “I haven’t heard any of this directly myself, but I certainly hope that this is happening.”

He added that he had been contacted by a Captain Steyn from the Rosebank Police Station and that they would be meeting tomorrow, after which he hoped to have more feedback.

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