PRIDE QUASHED IN CUBA: The first ever scheduled Cuban Gay Pride was cancelled yesterday, before the event could even begin, with organisers beaten and arrested by the police.
OUTRAGE AS HEINZ DROPS ‘GAY’ ADVERT: Multinational Heinz has pulled the plug on an advert for its ‘Deli Mayo’ product featuring two kissing men after receiving over 200 complaints.
JERUSALEM PRIDE TO GO AHEAD: Israel’s Supreme Court has rejected petitions to ban this year’s Jerusalem Gay Pride, which will go ahead this Thursday.
RUSSIAN GAYS SUE PRESIDENT: Organisers of Moscow Pride have filed a lawsuit against the Russian President, accusing him of ignoring pleas to overturn the city’s ban on their parade.
100 MOST INFLUENTIAL UK GAYS: British newspaper, The Independent, has released its annual Pink List; honouring the elite of the British LGBT community.
BRIT GOV: DISCREET GAYS SAFE IN IRAN: British Labour party home secretary, Jacqui Smith, has stated that Iranian refugees can be be deported back to Iran “as long as they live their lives ‘discreetly’.”
JERUSALEM PRIDE’S ONGOING STRUGGLE: Both conservative groups and the city of Jerusalem are attempting to put an end to the city’s gay Pride celebration.
ANTI-GAY HATE-CRIME HITS YEOVILLE: The apparently-homophobic murder of a Joburg drag queen has sparked activists into heightening their campaign against hate crimes.
JOBURG PRIDE SCOOPS MAJOR SPONSORSHIPS: Joburg Pride announced on Friday that it has secured two substantial sponsorships for the 2008 Gay Pride Festival.
THAI SCHOOL INTRODUCES TRANS TOILET: To cater to a growing number of transgender students, a school in north eastern Thailand has introduced transgender toilets on campus.
GAY ROYALTY SPEAKS AT EUROPRIDE: Openly gay Indian royal, Prince Mavendra Singh Gohil, will be one of the three opening speakers at the Stockholm Europride 2008.
MR SULU GETS GAY MARRIAGE LICENSE: Star Trek star George Takei has received a marriage license to wed his long-standing boyfriend in California.
THE ‘FEMININE’ GAY BRAIN: New scientific research suggests that the brains of homosexuals have structural differences to those of ‘straight’ people of the same gender.
GAY MARRIAGE FEVER IN CALIFORNIA: It’s expected that over 100 000 couples will tie the knot following the issuing of the first same-sex marriage license in California on Monday.
GAY WEDDING PRIEST QUITS: One of the two gay priests who got married in a controversial same-sex church ceremony in the UK has resigned.
TAC PREVAILS OVER RATH: In a landmark judgment, the Cape High Court has halted clinical trials and advertising by controversial vitamin salesman Matthias Rath.
POLICE CHIEF REVERSES BUDAPEST PRIDE BAN: Chief of police, Gabor Toth, who cited potential traffic chaos as his reason for banning the Budapest Pride March, has been forced to reverse his position.
CHAOS AT MR & MISS GAY SA INTERNATIONAL CLAIM: The MC for the recent Mr and Miss Gay International pageant, and one of the contestants, have spoken out against the lack of professionalism of the organisers.
SAINT LAURENT’S ASHES SCATTERED IN AFRICA: The ashes of legendary gay fashion designer, Yves Saint Laurent, have been scattered in Morocco.
GAMBIAN PRESIDENT’S ANTI-GAY STANCE SLAMMED: A New York based organisation has demanded that Gambian President Yahya Jammeh repeal his threat to kill gays and lesbians.