OBAMA ENDS AIDS BAN: US President Barack Obama has been lauded for ending the controversial ban on HIV positive travellers to the US.
CLERGY: REMOVE GAY DEATH PENALTY: The Ugandan Clergy has called for a clause imposing the death penalty in a new anti-gay bill to be removed, but has otherwise supported the legislation.
ELTON JOHN TO TOUR SA: Elton John is to return to South Africa next year for a limited series of picnic-style concerts along with long-time collaborator Ray Cooper.
HEALTH CARE NURSE NEEDED: OUT LGBT in Pretoria is looking to fill the post of a primary health care nurse responsible for assisting in primary health care matters.
COURT GRANTS ACCESS TO SEX ABUSE DIARY: The Pretoria High Court has granted Afrikaans singer Jurie Els access to the diary of his accuser, singer Robbie Klay.
QUESTIONS OVER KENYA’S GAY CENSUS: Kenya has said that it will carry out a census of its gay citizens despite homosexuality carrying a penalty of 14 years' imprisonment.
BISEXUAL EMPLOYEES FEEL EXCLUDED: Research in the UK reveals that bisexual employees feel excluded by their lesbian and gay colleagues in the workplace.
OBAMA SIGNS HATE CRIME LAW: US President Barack Obama has signed a historic hate crime bill that includes sexual orientation and gender identity into law.
GOLDEN GIRL’S GIFT TO GAY YOUTH SHELTER: The estate of Golden Girls actress Bea Arthur, who died earlier this year, has donated $300,000 to a gay youth shelter.
OUTRAGE OVER ATTACK ON GAY POLICEMAN: Liverpool’s gay community is up in arms following an attack on a 22 year old gay trainee police officer.
CLOTHING STORE RELEASES NEW GAY T-SHIRTS: An American clothing company that previously released anti-Prop 8 t-shirts has launched another range of gay themed t-shirts.
FILM DIRECTOR SLAMS SCIENTOLOGY: The director of the 2005 Oscar winning film Crash has publicly left the Church of Scientology, accusing it of being homophobic.
HUNDREDS PROTEST MURDER OF CANADIAN MAN: Close to 1,000 people have marked the recent murder of a Canadian gay man who was brutally beaten and then run over while walking home.
GAY NEO-NAZI ROMANCE WINS AWARD: A movie about a romance between two men who are members of a neo-Nazi gang has won the main award at the Rome International Film Festival.
ARMY SECRETARY HINTS AT LIFTING MILITARY BAN: The US Secretary of the Army has said that there is no reason to fear that major difficulties would result from lifting the ban on gay military personnel.
TRANS BOOK TO BE RELEASED: A new South African book documenting the life stories of a number of transgender South Africans is to be released.
RUSSIAN LESBIANS MARRY IN TORONTO: Two Russian lesbian activists who were refused the right to marry in Moscow have finally tied the knot in Toronto, Canada.
SOLDIER PUNISHED FOR ANTI-GAY ABUSES: The US Navy has reprimanded and forced a soldier, who oversaw a number of anti-gay abuses, to retire.
HATE CRIMES BILL HEADS TO OBAMA: The US Senate has passed the Matthew Shepard hate crimes legislation which has now gone to President Obama to sign.
CHURCH OF SWEDEN OKAYS GAY MARRIAGE: The Lutheran Church of Sweden's Synod voted on Thursday to begin to conduct wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples.