TEEN SUICIDE LEADS STAR TREK, HEROES STAR TO COME OUT AS GAY: Zachary Quinto, star of the Star Trek movie and the Heroes TV series, says that he decided to come out after the suicide of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer.
TUTU BACKS PRO-GAY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN USA: Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has given his support to the USA Presbyterian Church for choosing to ordain openly lesbian and gay clergy.
TEACHER CONDEMNED FOR HOMOPHOBIC COMMENTS: There have been calls to fire a New Jersey teacher who wrote on Facebook and Twitter that gays and lesbians are “unnatural” and “immoral”, likening being gay to cancer.
UKRAINE URGED TO REJECT ANTI-GAY LAW: Human Rights Watch has urged the Ukrainian parliament to reject a bill that would censor information about homosexuality in the country.
GAY NIGERIANS TACKLE BLACKMAILERS: A group of gay Nigerians has set up a blog to expose criminals who prey on gay men by blackmailing them over their sexual orientation.
LEONARDO DICAPRIO MAY PLAY GAY CODE BREAKER: Leonardo DiCaprio has been tipped to play Alan Turing in a film about the World War II genius who was prosecuted for being gay.
POLAND ELECTS 1ST TRANSGENDER MP: A transgender woman, Anna Grodzka, has made history in Poland after she was elected as a Member of Parliament in recent elections.
15 YEAR HIV LIFE EXPECTANCY INCREASE IN UK: New research has found the life expectancy of HIV-positive individuals in the UK has increased by over 15 years, but warns that early treatment is vital.
TUTU SUPPORTS ‘IT GETS BETTER’ CAPE TOWN: UCT students and staff have teamed up with civil society groups and high profile individuals, such as Desmond Tutu, to share messages of hope for sexual minorities.
CHER CHEERS CHAZ ON: Music legend Cher has kept her promise and was in this week's Dancing with the Stars audience to cheer on her son Chaz Bono.
POLICE REJECT SERIAL KILLER THEORY IN GAY MURDERS: A police spokesperson has insisted that a serial killer is not responsible for the recent murders of six gay men in Johannesburg.
EXCITING DEVELOPMENTS FOR MR. GAY WORLD IN AFRICA: Coenie Kukkuk, the co-founder of Mr. Gay South Africa, has been appointed to the board of Mr. Gay World and has already revealed new developments for Africa.
UK CUTS AID TO ANTI-GAY COUNTRIES: The British government has started cutting economic aid to countries that persecute gays and lesbians, reports the British media.
SIXTH GAY MURDER UNCOVERED: The Star newspaper has revealed that it has uncovered a shocking sixth murder of a gay man in Johannesburg in the last few months.
AUSSIE RUGBY STAR BACKS GAY MARRIAGE: Australian rugby star David Pocock has said that he and his girlfriend will not marry until gays and lesbians can also do so in his country.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN CONVICTION HISTORIC: Activists have welcomed the court's acknowledgement that Zoliswa Nkonyana’s sexual orientation played a role in her murder.
CONCERN OVER POLICE INACTION IN GAY MURDER CASES: A source close to the investigation of the murder of five gay men in the last 18 months in Joburg has joined activists in expressing concern about the way that police are handling the matter.
FOUR GUILTY OF MURDERING ZOLISWA NKONYANA: After 40 postponements and five years, four of the remaining seven men standing trial for the murder of Zoliswa Nkonyana in 2006 have been found guilty of her murder.
ANOTHER GAY MAN’S MURDER COMES TO LIGHT: The Star newspaper has uncovered the murder of another gay man that could be linked to the four others that were recently reported.
EVERYDAY STIGMA LEADS TO STRESS FOR GAYS AND LESBIANS: A new report concludes that it doesn't take violence or abuse to cause stress and health problems among lesbian, gay and bisexual people.