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ZAMBIAN 1ST LADY BACKS GAY RIGHTS: In an unexpected development, the wife of Zambian President Michael Sata, Dr. Christine Kaseba-Sata, has called for an
AFRICA FASHION WEEK 2013: Thirty designers from 15 countries displayed their creativity at the 2013 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Africa in Tshwane. Here’s
SAMUEL L. JACKSON FOR GAY ROLE?: After appearing in more than 100 movies, Samuel L. Jackson may be going where he’s never gone before and playing a gay
GAY SA YOUTH ABUSED IN RUSSIA: Russian homophobia may have claimed a South African victim. It’s been reported that a young South African man has been
LAWYER DISPUTES GAY SEX TESTS: The lawyer representing two men on trial for homosexuality in Zambia has challenged anal tests that were forced on his clients.
BOTSWANA DENIES ANTI-GAY PLAN: The Botswana government has denied reports that it is planning to arrest gays and lesbians as part of its new HIV plan for vulnerable
ILLINOIS OKAYS GAY MARRIAGE: Illinois will become the 15th state in America to offer its gay and lesbian citizens the right to get married. On Tuesday, the Illinois
PARENTS SUE TO “CURE” GAY TEEN: The parents of a 15-year-old New Jersey boy are suing for the right to try to “cure” him of his homosexuality.
“LOVE, NOT HATE” CAMPAIGN LAUNCH: Ahead of the annual 16 Days of Activism, OUT – the Tshwane-based Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and
US PRO-GAY LAW MAY BE BLOCKED: While there’s celebration that a proposed law that will bar discrimination against gay and lesbian Americans in the workplace