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GAY MARRIAGE LEGALISED IN MICHIGAN – FOR ONE DAY: On Friday, Michigan became the latest US state to have its ban on same-sex marriage lifted
WATCH: GAGA’S EPIC NEW VIDEO: Lady Gaga has released an epic video for her new single G.U.Y. in a bid to reignite flagging sales of her ARTPOP album. The
HEALTH: CHOOSE YOUR OPTIONS: It’s no longer just about condoms and lube! Thanks to medical advances, we, as gay and bisexual men or Men who have Sex with Men (MSM),
FRED PHELPS GAY HATE CHURCH FOUNDER DEAD: Fred Phelps, the founder of one of the world’s most virulently anti-gay churches, has died. According
WATCH: KYLIE DOES LESBIAN CHIC IN NEW VIDEO: Gay icon Kylie Minogue appears to be targeting a new demographic with her latest music video – straight
MAMBA BOOKS: JUSTICE & AFRICAN QUEER STORIES: Two recently released local books should be on the bedside table of any self respecting South African 
SCHOOL OFFICIALS DEFEND CENSORING GAY STUDENT: School officials in the American state of Arkansas have defended a decision to exclude a gay student’s
CATHOLIC SCHOOL TO FIRE EMPLOYEES WHO SUPPORT GAYS: An American Catholic school’s new policy will punish gay employees or any employees who
AUSSIE SPORTS TO SIGN ANTI-HOMOPHOBIA PLEDGE: Cricket authorities in Australia have agreed to join rugby and football bosses in signing a commitment
KZN GROUP RECEIVES HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD: The Gay & Lesbian Network (GLN) in Pietermaritzburg has been awarded a human rights award by the Love to Live organisation.