Author Archive

“F-WORD” VERSUS “N-WORD”: Herndon L. Davis writes about the controversy surrounding Grey’s Anatomy’s Isaiah Washington’s homophobic insult to a fellow actor and questions if it is any less offensive than other slurs.
HIV HITS SA’S RICH AND EDUCATED: Startling new evidence from a three-year survey shows that HIV is now growing fastest among those who are wealthier and educated in South Africa.
REVIEW: DEBBIE DOES DALLAS: Be warned, writes Luiz DeBarros: Despite a brief glimpse of Jacques Terre'blanche’s posterior, you may well regret parting with your hard-earned money for this weak production.
STUDY: EARLIER ARV START IS BETTER: A new study in the US shows better results for people with HIV who get an earlier start with ARVs.
CAMP DAVID CASE POSTPONED: The case of fourteen gay men arrested for partying naked at Camp David Bar in Tshwane last year has been postponed to 29 March.
EXIT AT 21: THE EARLY YEARS: Exit, South Africa’s longest running lesbian and gay publication, turns 21 this year, with February being its 200th edition. Henk Botha, the founding editor, reminisces about the early years.
SEXLESS IN GAYOPOLIS: PART 2: In this second part of his feature on how to manage a “dry spell”, Brian L. Rzepczynski suggests strategies that could help in coping with a lack of sexual intimacy while living a full and satisfying life.
MAMBA BOOKS: We review three books sure to be of interest to the literary-minded gay man – Butt Book, Red Carpets and Other Banana Skins by Rupert Everett and I Am Not Myself These Days by Josh Kilmer-Purcell.
SEXLESS IN GAYOPOLIS: PART 1: Sex is everywhere. There appears to be no escape from it, and our gay culture is no stranger to getting caught up in its allure. But what about those who aren’t having sex for whatever reason and want to be?
OVER 100 000 UK GAYS REFUSED GOODS / SERVICES: A new survey reveals that over 135 000 lesbians and gay men in the UK say that they have been refused service or goods, apparently, because of their sexuality.