Author Archive

PROBING THE LGBT MARKET: A new survey claims that LGBT South Africans are better educated, wealthier and bigger spenders than their heterosexual counterparts. But do these conclusions really hold water?
REVIEW: QUANTUM OF SOLACE: Quantum of Solace - the 22nd James Bond movie - has been met by both massive box-office success and critical disappointment. We take a look at 007’s newest outing.
EAT: THE ATTIC: The second eatery from Tom Hughes and Martin Jakoby, the creators of my favourite restaurant in Melville, is a welcome addition to Parkhurst’s tired restaurant strip.
REVIEW: MILE HIGH, THE JUMBO PACKAGE: Cathy Specific returns to regale us with tales and songs chronicling her life as a high-flying trolley-dollie in bigger budget version of her original show.
RuPaul – The Mambaonline interview: Mambaonline was granted an exclusive interview with RuPaul ahead of her visit to Joburg during Pride week next month. We find out more about the man, the woman and the legend.
REVIEW: MAMMA MIA! THE MOVIE: With Meryl Streep, lots of shirtless tanned guys, plus songs by Abba, what’s not to like? Mambaonline takes in the latest movie musical to hit our screens.
MAMBA BOOKS: “CALLED BY GOD”: Philip Liebenberg has written the auto-biographical Daar is 'n Gay Pastoor in my Kop! – an exploration of his life as an openly gay pastor. He talks to Mambaonline.
SA’S FIRST LESBIAN PREMIER?: Is Lynne Brown, the newly appointed Western Cape Premier, South Africa's first openly gay provincial leader?
Jon Qwelane – Wrong is Wrong: Notoriously homophobic writer Jon Qwelane has written another outrageously anti-gay column. We look at the issue of hate speech and publish responses from members of the LGBT community.
EAT: THE GYPSY LOUNGE: The Gypsy Lounge is the newest Joburg eatery to offer the tapas experience - a variety of small Spanish style dishes or appetizers that are often served together to fantastic effect.