Queer culture | 2018 Gerald Kraak Award goes to Pwaangulongii Dauod


Nigerian writer Pwaangulongii Dauod was announced as the winner of the Gerald Kraak Award at the recent launch of the As You like It African queer anthology.

His essay, Africa’s future has no space for stupid black men, which is included in the book, was chosen as the winning submission, earning a R25,000 cash prize.

The piece, about the struggles of LGBTQ life and activism in Nigeria, is also a powerful and defiant assertion of a new African queer identity that’s breaking away from both the colonial past and post-colonial failures.

“I was hesitant in publishing it even after it was written, because I feel funny about this activism thing,” Dauod told Mark Gevisser in an interview for Granta. “I don’t want to be an activist of or for anything. That’s not my role in this god-forsaken world. I want to be known as a writer, not as a gay or human rights activist. But I decided to send out the piece once and for all, and I’m happy I did.”

Daoud is the second recipient of the award, which was first launched in 2016 in honour of passionate champion for social justice and anti-apartheid activist Gerald Kraak (1956–2014).

The announcement was made at the Johannesburg launch of As You like It, the second volume of the Gerald Kraak Anthology, after the 2017 volume Pride & Prejudice.

As You Like It is a collection of 22 shortlisted entries from over 400 submissions received from 13 African countries. It showcases provocative works of fiction, poetry, journalism, photography and academic writing.

“This anthology series has become an act of protest, affirmation and love,” said the Jacana Literary Foundation and the Other Foundation. “It represents a new wave of fresh storytelling that stimulates thought and expression on the subject of gender, social justice, sexuality and self-expression.”

The winner and the selected works were chosen by a judging panel made up of distinguished gender activist Sisonke Msimang (lead judge and anthology editor), prize winning author and journalist Mark Gevisser, and leading African feminist Sylvia Tamale.

As You Like It is available at Exclusive Books stores. Submissions for the 2019 edition of the Gerald Kraak Award are now open until 25 June 2018. Click here for the guidelines and entry form.

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