Jacaranda’s Rian van Heerden slammed in gays and God furore

Rian van Heerden
Openly gay Jacaranda FM radio presenter Rian van Heerden has been vilified for saying that a homophobic God isn’t worth following.
Van Heerden made the statement during the breakfast show on Wednesday after he brought up Johannesburg gay rugby team, the Jozi Cats, which has been in the media thanks to its controversial new ad campaign.
In response to a host of homophobic comments on Facebook, largely motivated by religious beliefs, the presenter said on air:
“Any God, and I don’t care if he’s got eight arms or if he’s a tree, I don’t care who you worship, any God that judges people because of how they were born or who they were born, is not worth worshipping.”
Van Heerden added: “And I stand by that statement.”
He continued to be attacked on social media in a barrage of anti-gay rants. Many commentators cited the Bible as the basis for justifying their prejudice and some even called for him to be fired.
Danie Bouwer (@dbouwer) tweeted in Afrikaans that according to Leviticus, “You may not have a homosexual relationship. It is a sin.” Van Heerden pointed out in response that the Bible also sanctioned slavery.
Wilhelm (@VarsVis) dismissed any argument that people are born gay, insisting that “you choose your actions”. Van Heerden asked him if he is a medical doctor or a biologist.
Writing on Facebook, Johan Koch equated gays and lesbian with paedophiles, claiming that paedophiles are also “born” that way, while Willem Van Heerden, said: “One radio personality made a racial comment, and lost his job, and I agreed with that. Rian must go!!!!!”
Many fans and supporters, however, also backed Van Heerden and his views.
Ferdi J Steyn commented: “Please keep Riaan at Jacaranda, he said exactly what so many of us that listen to your station wanted to say, gay or straight or bi…”
Belinda Dicks wrote: “Technically shellfish get mentioned much more in Leviticus, yet you don’t see people protesting at Ocean Basket…”
Jacques Theron praised Van Heerden: “Well said Rian. Time to take a stand against bigotry and superstitious non-sense.”
Van Heerden, at the time the host of the TV talk show Voorblad, came out as gay in an open letter in 2005.
“Who wants to live a fake life and with the fear of being found out? Who would want to go through life so terribly lonely?” he wrote.
In a subsequent interview with Rapport, van Heerden said he wanted to tell the world: “Here is a gay man. This is what a gay guy looks like. This is how a gay guy functions. I’m not less manly. There’s nothing sinister about me.”
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Rian’s got my FULL support and if Jacaranda FM dares to fire him, I’ll gladly assist the entire Gay community retaliate against the station and they will not broadcast another day..
Well said Rian. The wisest words said on the station. He spoke the truth and the religious idiots are to scared to admit what he said is true. They will not fire him if they do then the whole gay community must come out.. (LIKE WE DID YEARS AGO) and protest and make a boycott of the station . But i am sure that jacaranda is a station with more sense than to do that. WELL SAID RIAN.
Religion is a cause of many of the planet’s problems.
Jy is amazing Riaan. Ek ondersteun jou 100% . Tipies Afrikaanse hypocrites, Moffies kan maar blomme en hare doen en ons laat lag maar mag om die dood toe nie enige geldige opinie opper nie want Moffies moet hulle plek ken! Hulle klip god is net so dood soos hul klip kerke.
Riaan’s 100% correct and he has my full support. A homophobic god is not a god worth following. Even Emeritus Archbishop Tutu said that. And he works for the Big Guy!
Well done Riaan. Don’t let the nasties and bigots bother you.
Dankie Rian dat jy die guts het , om vir dit wat jy weet reg is op te staan. Die mense wat beweer hulle is Christine en dan so oor deel en klippe gooi van uit hulle glasshouse, het God en Jesus wat ons almal straight, gay, swart , wit ens geskape het en lief het se naam al baie skade aan gedoen met die gevolg dat bitter baie gay mense nie meer in God glo nie. Die seer en pyn wat hulle al onder gay mense veroorsaak het is ongelooflik. Hulle praat nie names op regte kinders van God nie.
I totally agree woth Rian, even though I dont like him that much, but nonetheless he has my support in this matter!
you go Rian!!
Hebrews 10v26-31
Johan Harmse
Carry on believing in your imaginary friend! Such a wonderful thing in your eyes so why is there so much evil in the world?
Billl Murray said: Its hard to win a argument with a smart person, buts it’s damn near impossible to win a argument with a stupid person ! All man is destined to die, and then face judgment. Be ready!
If ymaybe you should start reading the bible, you’ll realize whats happening around u. Any intelligant person who reads alot knows and understands that due to the course of technology and nature its possible to be born gay….
I will no longer listen to Jacarandafm until Rian is no longer on the show, you have lost a lot of listeners. My whole family has stopped listening to the station.
You will be missed OR NOT!
Thank you Riaan- I am surprised it caused such a fuss. Reminded me of Archbishop Tutu’s statement:
“I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place,” Archbishop Tutu said at the launch of the Free and Equal campaign in Cape Town.
“I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.” (BBC – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-23464694)
Rian het jou gaan Google wou sien hoe lyk die man agter die mooiste stem wat ek nog ooit gehoor het!!!! Jy is mooier as jou stem!!!!jy is gorgeous!!!! Stay as sweet as you are!!! Jy maak my oggende!!! Kan ek jou aanneem!!!????Lovies Mirna
Leviticus also talks about the wearing of synthetic materials etc, so hope all the “happy clappys” go to church naked!
Actually what I think you are referring to is Deutronomy 22:11 that says that God’s people were not allowed to mix their materials (wool and linen).
Yes the Isrealites had slaves. Ephesians says that masters should never threaten their slaves because they are the same in God’s eyes. Colossians says that masters have to provide their slaves with what is right and fair. Deuteronomy 23:15 says that if a slave escapes from his masters and takes refuge with you, should not hand him over to his master, you should protect him and set him free. Permanently injured slaves had to be set free. Ex 21:26-27. Slaves also had a day of rest in the week like their Israelite masters. Ex 20:10. All slaves were to be freed after six years and supplied of wine, livestock and grain. Horrible Bosses was probably based on them.
Incidentally it was not rare for slaves to stay with their Israelite masters because they were treated so well and were better off staying with them than wandering alone into a lawless country were the chances that they could me murdered or raped was quite high.
One of the verses people also love to ridicule is where it says in Leviticus that you may not cut yourself or make a baldness between your eyebrows or shave your beard. This was all precautions so that the Israelites could be distinguished from the pagans and have as little to do with them as possible so that they will not adopt their vulgar practices of orgies and child sacrificing. This is something you would have known if you had done a little bit of research, but you judge something you don’t understand.
I have never once in my 20 years of going to church heard anybody saying anything mean about a gay person, but here you are bashing our religion. For people who hate to be judged you sure are very judgemental. All these verses you are taking out of context to make people think that Christians are ignorant , blind followers makes me think that you in fact might be ignorant and compassionless – something of which you accuse Christians, so I guess that makes you hypocrites, too.
Well done Eugenie.