“Homophobic” bodybuilder claims Facebook was hacked

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Jerome Nayanah (Pic: R.S.Images)

The Durban fitness trainer who last week posted a shocking anti-gay rant on social media has claimed that he wasn’t the one who wrote the vile hate speech.

In a brief message to Mambaonline before taking his profile off Facebook following a backlash from the LGBT community, Jerome Michael Nayanah said simply that his profile “was hacked.”

He didn’t explain further nor did he actually distance himself from the vicious homophobic sentiments included in the comments.

Mambaonline has been told by sources that, contrary to Nayanah’s claim on his Facebook page, he is not the owner of the Ultimate Fitness Durban, Westville gym or fitness company, but is simply a trainer there.

We, however, have not been able to track down contact details for the company and have not received a direct response to our queries via Facebook.

In a post on the Ultimate Fitness page on Monday, the unidentified owner of the business complained that he has become the victim of “an attack by the gay community on my business and its social networking recently due to comments made by one of my Personal Trainers on his personal FB page.”

The owner argued that there are “always 2 sides to every altercation” and appeared to justify Nayanah’s posts by writing that, “The Bottom Line Is: Jerome has been targeted for months by a few bad apples in the gay community and the built up frustration led to an outburst on social networking.

“Some of the statements made were harsh but [were] due to 1st hand experience of the persistence of certain gay men on well sculpted straight men.”

The owner added: “As for people being labelled homophobic, I don’t see how straight men who are frustrated by gay men persistantly pursuing them are quickly labelled homophobic…”

The owner’s statements suggest that Nayanah’s comments were indeed his own and that his account was not hacked.

When Mambaonline again requested contact details from the owner on Facebook he replied: “Unless your talk is about business there is no desire to converse with you or Mambaonline. An individual’s view point should be argued with the individual directly and not everyone else in his life. Stop seeking attention and support here.”

Last week’s posts on Nayanah’s profile stated that, as a result of being sexually harassed by certain individuals, he believes that gay men are spreading HIV, are not normal, are “promiscuous”, “disgusting” and are “sexually sick perverts.” He added that they “need Jesus.”

A number of claims about Nayanah’s personal life have surfaced on social media in the last few days. While Mambaonline has no reason not to trust these sources, and while they suggest a great deal of hypocrisy on Nayanah’s part, we have chosen not to report these in detail.

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