In a shocking example of alleged homophobia, the University of Venda in Limpopo is accused of allowing ongoing discrimination against LGBTI students on its campus.
While one would expect a tertiary educational institution to be a bastion of enlightenment, it’s come to light that the university’s Student Representative Council (SRC) has for at least two years refused to recognise an LGBTI student organisation – and the university’s administration is said to be doing nothing to stop its illegal action.
This blatant discrimination was exposed in a recent Facebook post by last year’s SRC president, Mathelemusa Andisani Mushavhi, who had no qualms about proudly proclaiming that he’d personally ensured that the organisation, Univen LGBTI, would be barred from operating on campus.
Mushavhi wrote: “One thing that myself and Mudau Mafulo didn’t do when we were SRC president was to give #Gays_n_Lesbians a room/recognition. And I dnt regret for doing that.”
This was confirmed by LGBTI student Ray (not his real name), who told Mambaonline that the university’s traditional Venda “values” are behind the repeated rejection of the group’s applications.
“The previous SRC president was adamant that he would not support us,” said Ray, who asked that we not publish his identity out of fear of possible retaliation. He insisted that the problem is both “with the SRC and the management.”
He explained that “we can’t do anything or operate as an organisation on the premises of the campus if we are not recognised by the SRC. If we do so it would be in violation of the code of conduct and you could be expelled.”
Ray said that the group cannot offer any kind of support to LGBTI students who might have a problem on campus as “you are afraid to help them and you have to think about your own future. It’s really frustrating. Students have dropped out because of this.”
He revealed that his own experience of abuse and discrimination at the university led him to drop out at one point but he returned “because I decided to stand my ground and finish.”
Ray claimed that complaints have been laid with the administration, but that they have chosen to do nothing about the issue. “The whole university management, they won’t listen to our grievances. Where do you go when you have issues like this? They see homosexuality as a barbaric act.”
Samke Ngubane, a former recent University of Venda student who was chairperson of the Amnesty International campus group last year, agreed that the administration has simply refused to address the concerns of LGBT student.
She said that she unsuccessfully tried to assist Univen LGBTI in its efforts to be recognised by the SRC.
“The university is rather quiet about the LGBTI thing. We have applied for recognition three times. There were staff members who tried to help us but nothing came of it. We took all the measures required to recognise a structure on campus, including getting 100 signatures, but nothing happened,” she said.
Ngubane also revealed that she attempted to organise a workshop where senior staff and members of the SRC could be sensitised on LGBTI issues. “But the proposal was rejected. They said no, no. It’s a losing battle,” she sighed.
Mambaonline contacted university spokesperson Takalani Dzaga and submitted a number of questions; asking the administration if it was aware of the allegations of discrimination and if it condoned the SRC’s actions. We also asked if an investigation would be launched to address the alleged discrimination against LGBTI students on campus by the SRC.
Despite phone calls, leaving telephonic messages and sending two e-mails (with confirmation by another staff member that Dzaga was aware of the e-mails), the university failed to acknowledge our e-mails or questions.
Neither Ngubane nor Ray expressed any surprise at this. Ngubane said that university management believes that “this thing [homosexuality] does not exist in Venda. That we are bringing this from the cities and that they don’t want this there. It is just simply discrimination and ignorance.”
Mambaonline was not able to contact Mushavhi, whose Facebook profile was deleted just days after we began making enquiries about the issue (see screen grab of his status post below), but we did speak to the current SRC president, Samuel Mofokeng.
He told Mambaonline that, “I don’t have a problem with gays and lesbians,” adding, however, “I just don’t want them to be gay around me.”
Mofokeng, who has been SRC president since October last year admitted that Univen LGBTI had previously asked the SRC for recognition and that “they have not been winning,” but said that if he was approached with a reasonable proposal “there is no way we cannot recognise them.”

Former SRC President Mathelemusa Andisani Mushavhi’s damning post
When asked if he was prepared to affirm his and the SRC’s support for LGBT equality to the student population, he replied that this was not necessary: “My assistant is a gay man; that is a statement in its own right.”
Ray confirmed that Univen LGBTI intends to present a proposal to the new SRC once orientation is over and that he is hopeful that Mofokeng will be more accommodating than his predecessor. He expressed his concern, however, about the continued influence of the previous SRC leaders.
It is almost unthinkable that an institution of higher learning seems willing to simply ignore our bill of rights; placing so called “traditional values” above the most basic tenants of our constitutional democracy – freedom of speech and of association – while allegedly endorsing illegal discrimination. That such a university is educating a new generation of South Africans is horrifying.
Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Peter Mbati states on the university’s website: “Our goal is to develop responsible citizens who will impact positively on the growth and development of South Africa.” In that regard he and the university are clearly failing.
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I served in the SRC during the tenure of President Mudau Mafulo (2011-2012) and indeed the proposal from the above structure was brought to our attention but it was not successful. The structure did not meet the requirements of our SRC constitution and just like any other structure seeking recognition, it was unsuccessful. It is important to know that it was not rejected, it was considered like any structure seeking recognition but did not meet the requirements. Perhaps Ray and Samke should have given you the SRC constitution for your perusal before publishing this. You should have asked them questions based on the requirements that are needed for any structure to be recognised by our SRC. As it stands now, it appears as if our University is homophobic and this is entirely wrong. Our SRC constitution is bound by the constitution of the Republic of South Africa and we had always respected human rights. Lastly, our University is not operating under “Venda Culture” as it is written above. We are not a cultural university but a Comprehensive University. Thank you
Horrible, it sends shivers down my spine to think that UNIVEN is a hot bed of bigotry.
“As it stands now it appears as if our university is homophobic” it certainly does and this must change, it’s also entirely illegal too based on our countries constitution.
this story does not convey the state of lesbians and gays in univen but rellies on the two mentioned.
univen src and management has its policies for recognition of a student body and if they are not met you cant blame univen bt da group. during my time at univen the gays and lesbians were treated the same as others and I dont think the was ever sum1 who was discriminated at. I had plenty of gay friends and they enjoyed their time at univen till their graduations.
As 4 u sayin u tried contacting Mr Dzaga and he ddnt respond I doubt u had hs rite contacts.
As zwike said, u shuld hav verified if da group met da requirements for recognition, da 100 signatures is not da only 1 but part of many requirements.
Also insuniating that univen is stuck on venda culture dats wrong.
Good morning
Please kindly take notice that its a great pleasure for me to responds on this LGBTI saga ,l was part of the SRC of 2011_12 together with Zikwe, mushavi under the supervision of President Mudau Mafulo ,predominantly known as “Swole” l swim in the same pool with my former colleague Cde Zikwe on his remarks on this saga.The application letter it,s brought to our attention ,and we gave it urgent special attention that it deserve,however we found that the structure doesn’t meet evil a single reguirements as per our SRC constitution ,one of the regurements for a structure to be recognised is that,the structure must have 100 members ,however themselves they were two (2) a short lady & a tall guy.lam the one who received their application letter evil in their top 5 postion there was a lot of pool of vacant,there was no deputy chairperson,no deputy Secretary & no treasurer, it was only chaioerson & secretary,l asked them before l hand the letter to the cabinet for discussion they said we are working on that.When we told them about the issue of 100 members they went to the first year students students and do roll calls in order for them to meet the reguirements ,when we called the students to verify if they ate the members of that structure students they distance themselves from he structure ,so what they except bcoz they don’t meet the regurements as per our constitution therefore their application it was turned down based on merit.As Zikwe said university of venda is not a traditional university but is a comphesive university,during in our SRC we never
for future sake its important to get the information from both sides, my Facebook post is not blocked and my contact numbers are not hidden, let me make this clear that their application was rejected based on the constitution of the SRC, however they decided to run straight to media after two years. Such people need help because they are mental sick
Hi Madau. Unfortunately, we cannot view your contact numbers on your Facebook profile. We’d love to hear from you and from Mathelemusa Andisani Mushavhi. Please contact us on and we will certainly hear what you have to say. Thanks – Editor
Jah let me be frank with u, i don’t have any problem with gays and lesbian aslong as they don’t gays next to me its okey!! EEf and AgangSA wree not recognise too only because constituational the were not meeting requirments, what so special with this gays group bcaz in univen when u seek recognation it mst meet the requirements of src constituation then the student affairs and src will research about such stracture then if they meet requirments of recognation by the SRA constituation they will be recognised !!! Even now EFF is not recognise what so special with cdes, to take university to media it was a flop and mathelemusa was ryt to view out how he feels abt gays and lesbian because even u gays and lesbian u went 2 media to view out how u feels to be gays and lesbians !! This is brotherly advice go get all reqirements and submit to src!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will only have problem when u start gaying next to me!!!!!!!!!
During our SRC we never looked on faces but we looked on facts,so l want to encourage the current and future SRC to take decision based on facts not based on pressure of media .LGBTI must not ever try to use media to furnish the name of university without having concrete evidence.You can not apply unjust law justly.our SRC we oppose to dichotomy.LGBTI they have thwarted personal ambitious. As a former SRC member who s round by defending our constitution to the fullest during our terms ,lam personally munch more concerned about what is happening now,than what will happen in the future.The future will always be the seguence of present day doesn’t need a traditional doctor or scientic that LGBTI doesn’t meet the regurements as per the SRC constitution ,and nothing e’lse,unless the current SRC they will amend it inoder to suit them.lam round to be one of the SRC that
As of myself, personally, I’m congenial with the former President to disregard the recognition of “A MAN and A MAN” and “A WOMAN and A WOMAN”….
I was studying at UNIVEN in 2009, because of the way I was treated in campus I went back to the closet and later on decided to drop out of school and come to study in Johannesburg. My heart bleeding for young children who are experiencing what I went through. Last month I met 4 UNIVEN student who are gays, their stories shocked me and one day I want to stand and talk about my experience with an aim of changing the situation at UNIVEN.
leadership must go and learn how to speak in public platforms. if former president chose his words correctly when he posted derogatory material in his wall, i believe all this stare could have been avoided. at the end of the day, your feelings must not undermine the next person’s feelings, despite their sexual orientation, or disability.
everyone is entitled to their opinion, as much as you would feel offended if this minority group starts talking things that shouldn’t be uttered, i believe that is the same way they feel. if the rest of South Africa has accepted, what is so special about Univen that they refuse to be civilized?