Peter Tatchell, from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights group OutRage!, has described Pope Benedict XVI’s claim that saving humanity from homosexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction as “bizarre”.
“By choosing to highlight homosexuality instead of hunger, war and homelessness, the Pope has lost his moral bearings and sense of priorities,” said Tatchell.
He was responding to the Pope’s recent comments which were made to cardinals and senior staff in an end of year address to the Vatican’s central administration.
“The suggestion that gay people are a threat to human survival is absurd and dangerous. It is poisonous propaganda that will give comfort and succour to queer-bashers everywhere,” said Tatchell.
In his address, the Pope affirmed the “nature of the human being as man and woman” and said that the Church called for “this order of creation [to] be respected.”
He warned that a “blurring” of genders could lead to the end of the human race.
“Homosexuality is a part of human ecology. It has existed in all cultures in every epoch. At a time of global over-population, by not having children gay couples contribute to population stabilisation and thereby reduce pressure on over-strained natural resources. We are an ecological asset to humanity,” said Tatchell
“The Vatican’s continued rejection of a modern scientific understanding of homosexuality is a throw-back to the Dark Ages. It defies rationality and compassion,” said the activist.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with him, I think 6 billion breeders are enough to ensure the future of humanity. His statement is misguided and just plan insane.
Sad! Very Sad!. This bigot never ceases to surprise me. Both he and Mugabe should be shipped off to Antarctica and be left to rule the penguins. Ooops! Bad idea! I almost forgot that the chinese recently allowed a gay penguin couple to adopt. I guess there’s only one solution. Keep him and his version of catholicism restricted to the Vatican State. Oops! Bad idea! Nearly half of his staff is gay too. Shame. He is beginning to sound like such a lonely soul. Voei Tog! Let him drown in his own intolerance and ignorance.
Its time for an assasination!
Omicide. Well, someone should tell old Ratzi that in while, the human race probably wont exist. Thats the nature of nature 🙂 More than 99% of all species that have EVER existed are now extinct.
2 (of many possiblities) Evolution of humanity into another hominid species: Humans will continue to evolve via traditional natural selection over a period of millions of years, and homo sapiens will gradually transition into one or more new species.
Devolution of humanity into another hominid species.
So put that in your thurible and smoke it, Bene-dickt!
Pope Benedict XVI. These are the last cries of a dying religion…