The Moreleta Park NG Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church) has been ordered to apologise and pay damages to a gay music teacher for firing him because of his sexuality.
Pretoria High Court Judge Dion Basson found that the church had unfairly discriminated against Johan Strydom.
He ruled that the church must pay Strydom almost R87 000 in damages and for loss of income. It must also offer an unconditional apology to the music lecturer.
Speaking on Talk Radio 702 Strydom said that he was very relieved. “I’m very happy about it.”
Asked if he felt there was any conflict between his sexuality and his former job teaching at the church’s arts academy Strydom replied that, “I am a homosexual Christian and I don’t have a problem with that.”
“The scope of this is bigger than just about homosexuality,” he said about the ruling which has been labelled a groundbreaking case.
Strydom, who now lives in Jeffreys Bay, was fired from the church’s arts academy in July 2005 after an anonymous caller told the church that he was gay.
He sued the church for the sum of R200 000 for damages related to loss of income and dignity in terms of the Promotion of Equity and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act.
Fair Justice. Now that”s what I call justice … the church has gotten away with it for far too long now and it”s time it ended.
Gay organist wins case against church.. All is well and it is a relief that this case has been won. But we still must remember that God (if we want to know it or not) is the One that shall have the last judgement. Every one of us gays have to make it out between one self and God, as it is a case between you and Him. Even if you are a Christian or not.
….. Good, then I look forward to one day hearing his reason why he made me gay.
Answer to Charlie. Hi Charlie,
Sad to say: you have it wrong. It is not Him that let you to be born gay. It is part of mankind due to what had happened in the Garden of Eden when man decide to sin. Since then everything is upside down. But his grace is enough for everyone who come to Him.
….. I”m not about to be drawn into a debate about gay people being BORN the way they are. And you can your bottom dollar (or your last pair of stockings) that come hell or high water, he”s gonna have to face up to me cause I gotta a lot of questions. If I”m a child of God, then him as parent should answer them.
Yes Charlie, agree with you, Johan should subscribe to Moreletta Park Freak Club.
Charlie. Better if you go to Him right away. Not one day, then it is too late. Good luck.
…… How about if I leave it till later. That way I get to live the REAL life he intended me to live instead of being bogged down with religious guilt. Thanks for the advice though.
Charlie. Oh well, Charlie, it is up to you. Just remember that He loves you very very much, is with you and just wait for you to say “hello”. All of the best.
….. I get it, thanks for the R.I. lesson. Now can I go out and play?
Charlie. Good, enjoy it Charlie. Just play it save. If you want to talk further, contact me on msn messenger: mossie88@webmail or my email address which is the same.
You know I am gay too! Cheers.
Well done. Well donme you two. god will fill all our lifes is we just let him.
…… Whenever someone tries to force their religion upon others I always remember these famous words by Edgar Allan Poe, “All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.”
Yes. you are so right now is the time
…… ask him now and He will tell you. you dont have to wait. God is allways with you.
God has answered. Charlie you are right about religion. There are no answers for these freaks – they will always act from their perspective of fear and illusion. All of their own creation and not from God!
God is neither male or female, gay or straight, or any color of your imagination.
God Is.
He has created everything in his image, that includes gays. The church (religion has created sin to control your thoughts and actions for their worldly gain)
Now it is for you to decide to buy into this demented religious thinking or follow your own path to fill your earthly life with dignity, honor and love.
You carry, like everyone and everything else in this world, the love of God and his blessings.
Answer to Johan. The bible, which you believe to be the truth is a lie. The old testament, in its entirety is based on Sumerian mythology.
This supposed prophecies of the old testament was then used as a blueprint and spiced up with pagan rituals and believes of the time (about 200 years after the supposed events) to create the new testament and the story of Jesus a completely fictional character whose existence was not documented by any historian of the time. It is only recorded in the four gospels (200 years after the supposed events) and documents based on them.
This stupid book was then and is still used by ordinary people like you and me to assign themselves special authorities which they then use to control people even to the extend of murder and genocide.
With the prophecies of Armageddon they are even setting us up for a conflict that may result in the total annihilation of mankind on this planet if we allow it to continue.
God is me and you. We are made of the same energy like everything else. We created ourselves by changing some of our energy into matter m=E/c?
So next time don”t ask “Why does God allows this or that suffering?” rather ask “Why am I allowing this or that suffering?” because YOU are god.
Now that I”ve given you all authority in the Universe, go ahead and judge all “sinners” and let them burn for eternity. Wow, what have we achieved through that!
Remember that you are only judging yourself because you and they are inseparably ONE. Let”s not waste further energy with medieval games, lets find our real purpose in this life. Because I am God I judge all those who judged anybody else because through those actions they have Judged Me. But My mercy shall also be unlimited and therefore I shall also forgive them everything because through this action I am merciful to Myself.
In the mean time lets respect everyone and everything else as our co-God part of us. Lets forget the brainwashing of the past and stop teaching our children to hate any other living organism for whatever reason.
Hope you have learned something.
The Almighty
hi John kenneth. hey there John
you have got it wrong my dear you are ether born gay or not we as gay people dont just Jump out bed and decide too be gay oh you are dreaming sorry bt we as gay people are born gay ok you are not God too jugde us at all if you want too jugde God will jugde you so do me a faver go jugde some where else.
Chruch Music Teacher wins case. I am so Glad for Johan. It is such a pity that people still in this age thinks Homosexuality is a sin. I am a married bi man and a christian and I know what it is all about. Only we will understand and know the truth.
To Hein. Please contact me: or msn messenger, the same address.
its about time people realis we are hume. hey hein
well its about time that people realise that we are hume and i am so dam happy that John wine the case men you know what ok even if stragiht people love jugeding us gay people its not nice when they do it bt you know that God loves all of us dont matter if you are stragiht ,gay .bisexual or transgensda and more Gods love is so strong and he loves all of us in one and being gay is not a sin at all bt as they say love each other as i have loved u thats what Jeuse says right and he does not jugde at kenneth
SA Justice 1, NGK 0!!!. I agree with Charlie & Jason. Think we should hold Pride on there lawn.
hey there .kenneth. hey there
of course we must be proud of who we are and of coz being pride of who we are.
i love the life we gay people have now what do you say.
Sexuality is not a choice, Religion is!
Charlie…another viewpoint. Hi Charlie,
Another viewpoint on this is that your Spiritual Self chose to be gay in this life so that you could learn and grow as a Spiritual being in ways that you wouldn”t have if you had been straight, married with children of your own. I wouldn”t be the person I am today, involved with the things I am, if I had been straight and for that I am glad. That isn”t to say that it has been an easy road so far, but it”s all part of growing.
to Vaughn. Totally agree with you. We”re all here to learn something about ourselves, our environment, each other, our world. We”re here to understand it, to live the life we”ve been given and hopefully learn a few valuable lessons along the way.
Whether you believe in God, Allah, Buddah, Krishna, or any other deity, it”s ultimately up to us to live the best life possible (as a gay or straight person).
hey vaghan from kenneth. hi there
first of all i am a gay white male and i read your add here well i have to say that been spiritual and been proud of who you are bt dont forget first you have to love your self as you are and been ture too your self thats what i say .do you remenber the old days long ago being gay was tough gee am i so happy of the law of being gay plus its easy to be as you are and i am proud too say that i am proud too be of who i am .
love kenneth