A NG Kerk dominee has testified in the court case of fired music lecturer Johan Strydom that gays can be “rectified”.
Dominee Dirkie van der Spuy from the Moreleta Park congregation was in the Pretoria High Court over his church’s firing of Strydom from its arts academy because he was in a gay relationship.
Van der Spuy said that while Strydom would have had to step down as a lecturer, church leaders were willing to help him financially if he agreed to “walk a loving, spiritual path” by becoming celibate.
He said that they would have reinstated him in his position “If he had walked the path successfully…”
The dominee compared homosexuality to an illness, described it as sinful and insisted that a gay person could choose to stop his homosexual behaviour and lead a new life.
Strydom, who now lives in Jeffreys Bay, was fired from the Arts Academy in July 2005 after an anonymous caller told the church that he was gay.
He refused to discuss the issue with church elders at the time on the basis that it was a personal matter and was later sent an e-mail from the congregation manager firing him because of the church’s position on homosexuality.
Strydom is suing the church for damages related to loss of income and dignity as well as demanding an “unconditional” apology.
Ds. van der Spuy. Ag Shame!
Don”t think the dominee thought this one through properly, so if Homosexuality can be ”rectified” then logic suggests so can heterosexuality? Well praise be unto all things godly, can we start with Brad Pitt please?
No really, I grew up in a very spiritual, traditional NG family, and no one, not even my ancient grandparents would have thought that this man”s stupidity should be allowed unto a pulpit, nor would they have agreed with his logic. It is really sad to see something like a church, that is capable of so much good, be used for so much evil.
Well done. Well you hit it right on the nail. can i also order my gay man from the church LOL.
Its so strange the way the blind lead the church and they think they know what they are doing take out all the gay and bi pepole in the church and wow you are left with a empty building shame.
Test Case. This is a very important test case __ in one sentence – what rules – the Bible or the Constitution?
It should be as easy as that. The rest is clouding the issues.
Pity this case is so strangely phrased. Should be at the Labour Court instead based on automatically unfair dismissal. That is a MUCH easier cause of action…
To be expected. This is why I will never set foot in a Dutch Reformed Church again – even if that is where I was baptised.
The Moreleta Park Congregation has a website, and I suggest we let the know what we think of all of this….
Moreleta website. What a gr8 idea, will just do that now. Hope other people do the same.
Moreleta Park webside. Ag vergeet maar, ek het al probeer, die klomp is so arogant jy kan dit nie glo nie, dis hoekom ek al 20 jaar die NG kerk vaarwel gese het.
Oh please. I keep thinking "haven”t we seen this before somewhere?" mmm
Dominee. What a disaster!
The dominee is an idiot, can you imagine the brain dead congregation!
Maybe they should all become Goths, at least that is curable!
Dinosaurus. This dominee must be in the wrong timezone with his way of thinking, he must be a Stegosaurus or something likely. It is quite shocking to know that there is still people that think being gay is a sickness. One day he will wake up and realise he is all alone and then it will be too late………..
Astonishing to know that his congregation opens there purses to him and his church knowingly that he is sooooooo far behind in reality and sense… this has even made headline here in the Netherlands.
Ds van der Spuy. Ja ek kon raai die NG kerk is nog die selfde, kan jy glo ”n geleerde (hoop hy het sy universiteits eksamens geslaag) glo dit.!!!! Waar val jy uit Ds van der Spuy? Maar nou ja dan wil die NG Kerk weet hoekom is die NG kerke so leeg en die lidmaat getalle daal elke jaar. Julle grawe julle eie ondergang, my Bybel se jy moet jou naaste lief he soos jou self, en jy mag nie klippe gooi, maar eerder die persoon wat gestruikel het help om op te staan, en hom ten minste te verstaan, maar wat die NG kerk nog al die jare doen is om sy lidmate met die HEL te dreig. Dis nie meer die ou SA nie, nou moet julle pasop, !!!!!!!
There”s progress too. Fortunately there are dominees in the DRC that do support and accept gays in their congregations. Let”s not dismiss all of them.
This guy obviously is an idiot.